Well, it seems as though I've been obsessed with etched beads lately. It was actually quite difficult for me to get used to the etching process. I'm very attached to the beads that I make and they all look delicious after they come of the kiln and are cleaned. How could I subject them to the harsh etching process and take away their beautiful luster? Wouldn't I be betraying their trust? However, after a certain point, you need to take the plunge and etch the beads. Luckily for me, my husband, Harry, is the etcher in the household (like the bad cop). He takes the beads into the laundry room, he etches them, and they come out with a beautiful matte finish. I think they are lovely! They work really well with shiny gemstone beads for a lux look. On the other end of the spectrum, they also work well with ceramic and polymer clay for an earthy look.